21 July 2015

I Survived (Although A Few Nails Did Not)

G'day! I'm back from my trip, and although it was a crazy week of working hard and playing hard, I survived! I am sick yet again, and I managed to break THREE nails >.< but I'm back.

I did not get as many photos of my travelling mani as I'd hoped. Here is the one I got before things got all cray, and it really doesn't do it justice:

(Click to enlarge)

dat holo doe. It's Color Club Over The Moon with chevron-tips of Layla #01 Mercury Twilight, and some little stone accents of course. The colour scheme is one I've always liked, but I was particularly inspired by the recent Cinderella movie for it :)

I broke my index nail really badly, and then I still have that patch on the middle one from last week and a break on the other hand too. What can I say--it was quite a week. For the first time in a LONG time, I have properly short nails. I am not digging it.

horrible phone pic, activate!

I'm pretty bummed about this, but.. I plan to draw inspiration from the queen of shorties, The Nailasaurus! She rocks all kinds of awesome art with her signature length and shape, so I'm going to do a few tribute manis to her while waiting for them to grow out. Fortunately they do grow pretty quickly.

The other piece of good news is that I now have a Surface 3 device! Full HD screen and this sweet pen for having more fun with my editing (and probably hand-written and -drawn notes as well). I'll be tweaking the graphics and layout of the blog to reflect this, and hopefully have a more quality site for you.

Sorry for the bad post today! I almost didn't bother since these are such meh pics, but I didn't want to totally disappear. Thanks for your patience, and I hope to see you soon with some pretty nail art :) xoxo

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Lots of glittery love to you! xoxo